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Walk and see that the Lord is good!

Walk and see that the Lord is good!

Welcome – I’m so glad you have found your way here! I’m Sukie, and I hope you will join me on this journey of walking, praying, and capturing the beauty of God’s creation, whether in everyday life or during those spectacular “mountaintop” moments that take your breath away. Walking is something I have always done, even though, with my parents as a rather chubby child growing up in a beautiful area of England, I tended to grumble a lot about…

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Serenity in unexpected places

Serenity in unexpected places

It has been a frustrating start to the new year, between a cough which hung around for several weeks, icy cold temperatures in the mountains, and weekend commitments that have prevented us from getting out and about. But one afternoon at the end of January, when I was still feeling rough but in need of some air, the sun came out, the clouds lifted, the sky turned a pale shade of blue, and the hubs and I decided to head…

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Finding God in a lockdown

Finding God in a lockdown

When you’re strolling through a lush forest, striding over a majestic mountain top or splashing along a beautiful beach with the waves lapping around your feet and the wind in your hair, it’s easy to feel at peace with the world, close to God and amazed at the beauty of his creation. But what about the ordinary days when nature feels remote and, at best, all you can see is a bit of greenery outside the office window? Or it…

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